E & H. T. Anthony & Co. Stereo Camera
This beautiful 5 x 8" E & H. T. Anthony & Co. stereo camera is an amazing camera with an interesting past. It's by far the most special piece in our collection.
At the moment, we believe this camera to be late 1870's or early 1880's. It's a rather basic Stereo Camera that somehow picked up Scovill Waterbury lenses in it's last 150 years of life.
The Scovill Mfg. Co. was a competitor of the E & H. T. Anthony Co. which makes the very early Scovill lenses on this Anthony camera rather curious. Both companies were located in New York and both made competing products. In 1902 they would merge to try to survive as George Eastman was edging out other companies by buying out independent suppliers.
The lenses, a matched pair of nickel plated Scovill single element Waterbury lenses feature a non-removable aperture disc. The glass is impeccable on both lenses.
Originally the camera came without a interior septum which travels with the expansion and contraction of the bellows to prevent images from each lens from crossing over to the other lens and it was also lacking a plate holder.